NEPTUN Biography


Major: Biochemistry

College/Employer: NEU

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Margaret Downs

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Look at the class archive for more.)

How (not) to Die in a Chemistry Lab in Splash Spring 19
Ah, yes, chemistry labs. The only place in the world where people hand you-- no, make you handle-- substances that you otherwise aren't supposed to touch with a ten-foot-long pole. Of course, high school chemistry labs are only mildly very dangerous, so for this class we're going to kick things up a notch, and give a brief, sometimes ridiculous introduction to some chemicals that ought to be kept in a fume hood behind several locked doors, and some other that you may come across if you study chemistry in the future-- even though they too probably ought to be locked up as well.

How (not) to Die in a Chemistry Lab in Waterfall Fall 18
Ah, yes, chemistry labs. The only place in the world where people hand you-- no, make you handle-- substances that you otherwise aren't supposed to touch with a ten-foot-long pole. Of course, high school chemistry labs are only mildly very dangerous, so for this class we're going to kick things up a notch, and give a brief, sometimes ridiculous introduction to some chemicals that ought to be kept in a fume hood behind several locked doors, and some other that you may come across if you study chemistry in the future-- even though they too probably ought to be locked up as well.

How (not) to Die in a Chemistry Lab in Splash Spring 2018
Ah, yes, chemistry labs. The only place in the world where people hand you-- no, make you handle-- substances that you otherwise aren't supposed to touch with a ten-foot-long pole. Of course, high school chemistry labs are only mildly very dangerous, so for this class we're going to kick things up a notch, and give a brief, sometimes ridiculous introduction to some chemicals that ought to be kept in a fume hood behind several locked doors, and some other that you may come across if you study chemistry in the future-- even though they too probably ought to be locked up as well.

Harmful or Fatal if Swallowed: Why Poison Kills in Splash Waterfall 2017
Ever wonder why you shouldn't eat cyanide, or should avoid breathing in large amounts of carbon monoxide? This class explores the reasons that all sorts of "nasty chemicals" really are nasty, and what this says about biology. Chemicals that will be discussed are cyanide, carbon monoxide, several kinds of neurotoxin and whatever else you're interested in (so long as we know something about it).

Love Poems in the Language of Love in Spring Splash 2017
Fact: everything sounds prettier in Spanish. Even the sentence that means "Don't throw oil in the water" has meter and rhyme. So imagine what happens when we start talking about actual poetry. In this class, we'll explore love poems in Spanish from a variety of time periods and regions. You'll walk away being able to dazzle your friends with newfound knowledge of a beautiful language and you might even get a couple of pickup lines out of the deal.

Harmful or Fatal if Swallowed: Why Poison Kills in Spring Splash 2017
Ever wonder why you shouldn't eat cyanide, or should avoid breathing in large amounts of carbon monoxide? This class explores the reasons that all sorts of "nasty chemicals" really are nasty, and what this says about biology. Chemicals that will be discussed are cyanide, carbon monoxide, several kinds of neurotoxin and whatever else you're interested in (so long as I know something about it).

Harmful or Fatal if Swallowed: Why Poison Kills in Splash Waterfall 2016
Ever wonder why you shouldn't eat cyanide, or should avoid breathing in large amounts of carbon monoxide? This class explores the reasons that all sorts of "nasty chemicals" really are nasty, and what this says about biology. Chemicals that will be discussed are cyanide, carbon monoxide, several kinds of neurotoxin and whatever else you're interested in (so long as we know something about it).

Love Poems in the Language of Love in Splash Waterfall 2016
Fact: everything sounds prettier in Spanish. Even the sentence that means "Don't throw oil in the water" has meter and rhyme. So imagine what happens when we start talking about actual poetry. In this class, we'll explore love poems in Spanish from a variety of time periods and regions. You'll walk away being able to dazzle your friends with newfound knowledge of a beautiful language and you might even get a couple of pickup lines out of the deal.

Harmful or Fatal if Swallowed: Why Poison Kills in Splash Spring 2016
Ever wonder why you shouldn't eat cyanide, or should avoid breathing in large amounts of carbon monoxide? This class explores the reasons that all sorts of "nasty chemicals" really are nasty, and what this says about biology. Chemicals that will be discussed are cyanide, carbon monoxide, several kinds of neurotoxin and whatever else you're interested in (so long as I know something about it).