NEPTUN Biography


Major: Bioengineering

College/Employer: NEU

Year of Graduation: 2020

Picture of Sebastian Hymson

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Look at the class archive for more.)

Cellular Engineering in Splash Spring 19
Basics of Cellular Engineering through the review of academic papers Specifically we will are reviewing the paper The Dynamics and Mechanisms of Endothelial Cell Spreading

Tissue Engineering in Splash Spring 19
Basics of Tissue Engineering through the review of academic papers. Specifically we will are reviewing the paper Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia Mouse Model with iPS Cells Generated from Autologous Skin

Protein Engineering in Splash Spring 2018
Class will consist of an overview of protein engineering and how it is being used to treat medical ailments.

Stem Cells Investigation in Splash Spring 2018
Overview of stem cells and their importance in genetic engineering and gene therapy.