NEPTUN Biography


Major: Computer Engineering

College/Employer: NEU

Year of Graduation: 2021

Picture of Justin Chen

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Look at the class archive for more.)

Chinese Conversation: Restaurants and Friends in Waterfall Fall 18
Come learn to write and speak Mandarin Chinese! We will be going over the following conversational topics: 1) Restaurant situation 2) Meeting up with friends and making decisions Also see our sister class Chinese Conversation: Cooking and TV for more topics!

Chinese Conversation: Numbers, Time, and Money in Waterfall Fall 18
Come learn to write and speak Mandarin Chinese! We will be going over the following conversational topics: Numbers, Time, and Money Also see our sister class Chinese Conversation: Restaurants and Friends Both classes can be taken in any order

Universe In Your Body in Splash Spring 2018
You've heard of all the terrible disease-causing bacteria in the world, but what about all the good bacteria at home? Without the billions of bacteria living inside of you, you wouldn't be alive! Come learn about the tiny yet enormous world of bacteria in the human microbiome.