NEPTUN Biography

BRENT KISBY, Neuroscience nerd

Major: Behavioral neuroscience

College/Employer: NEU

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Brent Kisby

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am a current 3rd year Behavioral Neuroscience student at Northeastern. I am interested in neuropharmacology and hopefully I will get my PhD. Neuropharmacology is how the chemicals in your brain are either normal or how they are not working. It also has a focus on different drug receptor targets. Anyways, I am from Ashland, MA and moved a few times to CT and PA. My interest include photography, traveling, and having fun!

Past Classes

  (Look at the class archive for more.)

The Science of Mental Illness in Splash Spring 2016
Like any other organ in your body, the brain also gets sick. In this course we will answer simple questions about a few of the many diseases of the brain. The questions we will ask are: 1. What is the basic biology and chemistry of the disease? 2. Where in the brain is disease targeted at? 3. How do doctors treat this disease? Bring your thinking caps for this very interactive course!!

The Science of Mental Illness in Spring 2014
Like any other organ in your body, the brain also gets sick. In this course we will answer simple questions about a few of the many diseases of the brain. The questions we will ask are: 1. What is the basic biology and chemistry of the disease? 2. Where in the brain is disease targeted at? 3. How do doctors treat this disease? Bring your thinking caps for this very interactive course!!