NEPTUN Biography

ALEXA LAMBROS, Aspiring hunter of serial murderers

Major: Criminal Justice/Psychology

College/Employer: NEU

Year of Graduation: 2018

Picture of Alexa Lambros

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Look at the class archive for more.)

Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology in Splash Spring 2018
Want to know what motivates a serial killer? Want to delve into the minds of known psychopaths to see what makes them tick? Think YOU might be one? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the class for you. In Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology, you will learn the basics of criminal psychology and practice “profiling” a number of known infamous criminals as well projecting the potential futures – criminal or not – of several hypothetical personalities. While this class won’t be all you need to begin work in the FBI, it will be a fun look into some of society’s most complex and dangerous members. NOTE: Graphic material (involving abuse, rape, and murder) covered may be disturbing to some individuals. TWs: Rape/assault, homicide, etc.

Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology in Splash Waterfall 2017
Want to know what motivates a serial killer? Want to delve into the minds of known psychopaths to see what makes them tick? Think YOU might be one? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the class for you. In Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology, you will learn the basics of criminal psychology and practice “profiling” a number of known infamous criminals as well projecting the potential futures – criminal or not – of several hypothetical personalities. While this class won’t be all you need to begin work in the FBI, it will be a fun look into some of society’s most complex and dangerous members. NOTE: Graphic material (involving abuse, rape, and murder) covered may be disturbing to some individuals.

Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology in Spring Splash 2017
Want to know what motivates a serial killer? Want to delve into the minds of known psychopaths to see what makes them tick? Think YOU might be one? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the class for you. In Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology, you will learn the basics of criminal psychology and practice “profiling” a number of known high-profile criminals as well projecting the potential futures – criminal or not – of several hypothetical personalities. While this class won’t be all you need to begin work in the FBI, it will be a fun look into some of society’s most complex and dangerous members. NOTE: Graphic material (involving abuse, rape, and murder) covered may be disturbing to some individuals.

Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology in Splash Waterfall 2016
Want to know what makes a serial killer a serial killer? Want to delve into the minds of known psychopaths to see what makes them tick? Think YOU might be one? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the class for you. In Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology, you will learn the basics of criminal psychology and practice “profiling” a number of known high-profile criminals as well projecting the potential futures – criminal or not – of several hypothetical personalities. While this class won’t be all you need to begin work in the FBI, it will be a fun look into some of society’s most complex and dangerous members. NOTE: Graphic material (involving abuse, rape and murder) covered may be disturbing to some individuals.

Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology in Splash Spring 2016
Want to know what makes a serial killer a serial killer? Want to delve into the minds of known psychopaths to see what makes them tick? Think YOU might be one? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the class for you. In Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology, you will learn the basics of criminal psychology and practice “profiling” a number of known high-profile criminals as well projecting the potential futures – criminal or not – of several hypothetical personalities. While this class won’t be all you need to begin work in the FBI, it will be a fun look into some of society’s most complex and dangerous members. NOTE: Graphic material (involving abuse, rape and murder) covered may be disturbing to some individuals.

Deception Detection: Learn about Lying in Splash Spring 2016
Lying: a natural element of human existence. We all do it -- but how much do we KNOW about it? In this class you will learn all about lying -- its purpose, its affect on the body, and ways to detect it. Come join us for a unique opportunity to learn about the powerful phenomenon that has helped shape society as we know it!

Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology in Splash Waterfall 2015
Criminal Minds comes to Boston. Want to know what makes a serial killer a serial killer? What to delve into the minds of known psychopaths to see what makes them tick? Think YOU might be one? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or if you're at all interested as to what is going on here, this is the class for you. In this class, you will learn the basic of criminology and criminal psychology and practice "profiling" a number of high-profile criminals as well as projecting the potential futures, criminal or not, of several hypothetical personalities. After leaving this class, you won't be ready for the FBI, but you will have taken a fun look into the minds of the most complex and dangerous members of society. NOTE: Graphic material (involving abuse, rape, and murder) covered may be disturbing to some individuals.

Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology in Splash Fall 2014
Criminal Minds meets real life. Want to know what makes a serial killer a serial killer? Want to delve into the minds of known psychopaths to see what makes them tick? Think YOU might be one? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the class for you. In Creating a Killer: Criminal Psychology, you will learn the basics of criminology and criminal psychology and practice “profiling” a number of known high-profile criminals as well projecting the potential futures – criminal or not – of several hypothetical personalities. While this class won’t be all you need to begin work in the FBI, it will be a fun look into some of society’s most complex and dangerous members. NOTE: Graphic material (involving abuse, rape and murder) covered may be disturbing to some individuals.