NEPTUN Biography

NIVJANA MINGA, NEU Junior - Marketing and Supply Chain Management

Major: Marketing/Management

College/Employer: NEU

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Nivjana Minga

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Look at the class archive for more.)

BA DA BA BA BAAAAAAA - They got you now. in Splash Spring 2020
What you buy and what you want to buy are different. They know how to get to you, and they always win. Explore how companies market to consumers WORLDWIDE and maybe by the end you can be a pro too. The basics will be enough for you to break down every advertisement and every logo you see and know exactly what you're getting. If you're even slightly interested in business, creating a business, or even just marketing in general, this will be a nice view into what you could be doing in the future.

Intro to The Legal World in Splash Spring 2020
Interested in a law career or law in general? This course is made for the basics, know the basic laws, rights and legal processes! How does court work? How is the government organized? How has power over what? This is a simple yet in depth look to the legal world and also a bit of history of our country! If you are interested in any part or learning the answers to the questions above, sign up!

What Else Is The Government Hiding? in Splash Fall 2019
High school and college teach you some fun equations, yet it may be all a distraction to keep you focused on the mediocre while they pull the rug out from under you. Working for the state gives you some knowledge, and I'd like to pass it on. Know your rights, know their laws, and know who to call when life goes down the crapper. No conspiracies, just the truth. You have access to so much, laws, rights, regulations, dealing with banks, dealing with a thief and knowing when someone is absolutely full of IT when they say they know how to fix your car. (They don't.)

BA DA BA BA BAAAAAAA - They got you now. in Splash Fall 2019
What you buy and what you want to buy are different. They know how to get to you, and they always win. Explore how companies market to consumers WORLDWIDE and maybe by the end you can be a pro too. The basics will be enough for you to break down every advertisement and every logo you see and know exactly what you're getting. If you're even slightly interested in business, creating a business, or even just marketing in general, this will be a nice view into what you could be doing in the future.