NEPTUN Biography
MATTHEW GOLDBERG, Finance Student from California
Major: Finance/Business College/Employer: NEU Year of Graduation: 2020 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Finance Student with experience in Buy Side Trading at Wellington Management with over 1 Trillion in AUM, working at Scotiabank in Equity Capital Markets in the Upcoming term Past Classes(Look at the class archive for more.)Intro Finance in Splash Spring 2020
Introduction to basic Finance skills, how to budget, what are credit cards, and anything else you want to learn.
Financial Responsibility in Splash Fall 2019
Learn how to be smart with your money - everything from budgeting, investing, credit cards, and loans, and anything else you want to know about. Probably will not talk about taxes because they are boring.
Financial Responsibility in Splash Spring 19
Learn how to be smart with your money - everything from budgeting, investing, credit cards, and loans, and anything else you want to know about. Probably will not talk about taxes because they are boring.
Card Playing 101 in Splash Spring 19
Learn How to play Texas Hold'em and Blackjack, and some of the Basic Strategies. Don't ask me about more complicated games, I don't know how to play them. Except sort of Omaha, we can try to talk about that
Financial Responsibility in Splash Spring 2018
Learn how to not screw yourself financially the second you turn 18. Get basic Ideas on how to gain and grow wealth without letting the Man take advantage of you :)