NEPTUN Biography


Major: Biology and History

College/Employer: NEU

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Grace Schulz

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Look at the class archive for more.)

CSI Boston in Splash Spring 2016
We will touch on a bunch of topics including fingerprinting and blood splatter analysis.

Improvisational Acting in Splash Spring 2016
Play and Learn Improv. Games!

Criminal Minds in Splash Spring 2016
The science behind behavioral profiling and analysis in order to determine the identity of a serial criminal, while debunking common TV cop procedural myths!

CSI Boston in Splash Spring 2015
We will touch on a bunch of topics including the history of forensics, fingerprinting, physical evidence analysis –including DNA and toxicology, blood splatter analysis and ballistics.

Improvisational Acting in Splash Spring 2015
Play and Learn Improv. Games!

CSI Boston in Spring 2014
We will touch on a bunch of topics including the history of forensics, fingerprinting, physical evidence analysis –including DNA and toxicology, blood splatter analysis and ballistics.

Improvisational Acting in Spring 2014
Play and Learn Improv. Games!